Pt.4 Learning Gentleness
Involves Insight - We must Understand what Meekness is …
Of all the Beatitudes… this is the most Misunderstood.
Definitions… MEEKNESS
o It takes strength and power to be meek… as we'll see in a minute
o Jesus is not calling on us to be wimps.
o The word translated Meek … is the same word was used in NT times
to describe a wild animal that had been tamed or domesticated.
o Imagine a wild stallion never been ridden by anyone.
- He’s never worn a bridle and bit - he's as wild as them come.
- He’s full of energy & strength & spirit.
- Take that horse over time… you tame him… you domesticate him.
- He becomes meek.
- You can put a saddle on him - his master can ride him - you can put a
bit in his mouth and reins over his neck and he's meek.
o Now what have you done to that horse?
- Have you taken away any of that horse's strength? None at all.
- Have you taken away any of that horse's spirit or his power?
None at all.
- Have you taken away any of that horse's energy? No.
- The only difference between the domesticated horse and the wild
one is that now, that horse's strength & energy are being controlled
by his master for a useful purpose.
- While the stallion is wild he is controlled by himself, his wants,
his passions.
- But the domesticated, saddled horse is controlled by his master
and he has learned to obey his master's touch on his reins.
o When Jesus says, "Blessed are the meek", He's not saying…
"Blessed is the person that has no strength, that has no spirit, that has
no personality, that has no energy."
- He's not saying "Blessed is the wimp, or the timid, or the coward.
- He is saying, "Blessed is the person who has all of his strength,
and all of his spirit, his personality or energy, but they've allowed
someone else to control them.
- For the Christ follower this means we have placed ourselves under
the control of God.