Pt.8 Making Peace in the Midst of Harassment

Feb 18, 2024    Pastor Dave Trimble

God tells us about both the blessings and the blastings that will be in store for us

          if we follow His way.

- He tells us about both the gifts and the demands of His kind of lifestyle.

- He tells us about both the rewards and the responsibilities of being His children.

- He tells us about the sweet and the bitter side of life in Christ.

God wants us to become Christ followers with our eyes wide open

          to all the possible consequences.

- He fully intends for us to count the cost of discipleship as well as the dividends.

- In fact, as we’ve studied the Beatitudes we’ve found that the Blessing only

comes to those who are willing to pay the price.

- And the last 2 Beatitudes that we’ll look at today is no exception:

And yet, despite all that, the idea of peace dominates the Bible.

- In fact, God the Father is referred to over and over as the “God of Peace”.

- Jesus is referred to as the “Prince of Peace”.

- And today, we find in our Beatitude that we are expected to be Peacemakers.