Pt.8 Making Peace in the Midst of Harassment
God tells us about both the blessings and the blastings that will be in store for us
if we follow His way.
- He tells us about both the gifts and the demands of His kind of lifestyle.
- He tells us about both the rewards and the responsibilities of being His children.
- He tells us about the sweet and the bitter side of life in Christ.
God wants us to become Christ followers with our eyes wide open
to all the possible consequences.
- He fully intends for us to count the cost of discipleship as well as the dividends.
- In fact, as we’ve studied the Beatitudes we’ve found that the Blessing only
comes to those who are willing to pay the price.
- And the last 2 Beatitudes that we’ll look at today is no exception:
And yet, despite all that, the idea of peace dominates the Bible.
- In fact, God the Father is referred to over and over as the “God of Peace”.
- Jesus is referred to as the “Prince of Peace”.
- And today, we find in our Beatitude that we are expected to be Peacemakers.